United States Distributors:

Please contact the factory for a distributor located closest to you.

International Distributors:

Adele- (need a contact number or website & their location)

Wings- (need a contact number or website & Their location)

For sales questions both in the US and International contact:

Keith Green

Become a Distributor

Maradyne knows that a strong distribution network helps make our products readily available to our customers worldwide. Our distribution program qualifies distributors to achieve significant margins while supporting and growing a reputable business.

Companies that partner with Maradyne to distribute Pow-R-Quik Starters and Accessories benefit from over three decades of industry-leading products and technology. Precleaner products are in high demand by consumers that want reliable starters and less downtime.

Become a distributor and offer your customers a reliable starter, the best of the best
Purchase our products at wholesale and distribute them at retail to your customer base.

For more information on becoming a distributor, please contact:
Starter Sales: 800-537-7444